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Healthy Teams, Executing Effective Strategy, Together

Hire me to get your team out of the "someday" loop and increase your impact, value, and growth.

Elliott Wood - Founding Consultant

We work with mission-driven organizations like yours to 
get out of the chaos and go to your next level.

The habits that got you here won't get you there...

As visionary led companies grow, there's a dilemma. The energy and soul of the founders that fuels the startup phase brings too much chaos and change, and the growing team can't execute. Your business needs structure to provide direction, clarity, and repeatable process that can scale.

Get out of the someday loop

End failed initiatives and gain momentum with focused intensity

Re-ignite your team's energy

Rally your team behind a bigger purpose that builds people up and creates a greater impact.

Gain clarity of direction

Find your unique roadmap with clear direction and an aligned team headed to the same destination.

Do you know that you need a business operating system, but are afraid the system will suck the soul out of your vision?

It's true - systems that are too rigid can hold you back. But without effective systems, your company can't consistently deliver predictable results, meet customer expectations, and have the impact you envision. As your team grows, you need structure so that team members know how to win and can tell when they are winning.

We help businesses find clarity and design a culture where their teams can thrive by implementing the System & Soul operating framework. 

The system makes the soul side true.

The soul makes the system matter.

Find out how your organization scores on the 6 key elements of health

Take this free diagnostic along with the other members of your senior leadership team by sending them the link.

About me

I'm passionate about helping businesses and other organizations get unstuck and grow with healthy effective teams.
Book a Call

Over 2000 session hours and 3000+ session participants for 60+ organizations.

A creative problem solver who loves to dig a little deeper and find the real issue.

I connect the dots between vision and action, seeing the relationship of the whole.

I have a bias towards action and am ready to get busy building with you.

As a System and Soul Certified Coach, I implement the only business framework that combines the system and soul of a company to create breakthrough.

Strategic Matter: Where Alignment Meets Action

With precise diagnostics, we decode your organization's decision-making DNA, aligning visions, and crafting actionable roadmaps, enhancing your company's value and culture.

Tailored Insight for Tailored Impact

Our process begins with a deep-dive assessment to grasp your organization's unique identity, culture, innovation inclination, and market distinction. It's about comprehending the undercurrents of your decision-making and pinpointing misalignments.

Readiness for Change, Quantified and Empowered

We measure your preparedness for change, scrutinizing adaptability and identifying transformational obstacles—because it's not just where you're going, but your capacity to get there.

Operational Maturity, Mapped and Mastered

We then meticulously assess your operational maturity spanning strategy, execution, finances, and people. It's a comprehensive check-up for your business, diagnosing areas of strength and opportunities for growth.

From Insight to Action

Informed by objective insights, we collaboratively develop an action and accountability plan, ensuring roles and responsibilities are understood, equipping your team to hold each other accountable.

Your Path to Cohesive Progress

A fragmented team can be detrimental, leading to customer dissatisfaction and stagnated growth.


Let's replace disjointed efforts with unified action. It’s time to shift from idle speculation to innovative execution, from static planning to dynamic strategizing.

Envision Your Change

A strategic plan that moves from concept to reality with immediacy.

A team empowered by a clear 
roadmap, roles, and responsibilities.

A cycle of continuous improvement, marked by tangible acheivements.

Rapid Results

Imagine gaining clarity and direction in your first 31 days - so you can get started on your action plan while your momentum is strong

That's what we offer at Strategic Matter—not just a possibility, but a commitment.

Define the Opportunities

What are we solving? What's the priority?

Align to our roadmap

Does this decision align to our roadmap?

Take Action

What are the next steps and who owns them?

Take the first step

Don’t let misalignment drain your team's energy or blur your vision. Click to kickstart your journey with a conversation – because clarity, alignment, and momentum are just one click away.